No. Individuals and small fleets can enjoy the same advantages that make it smart for large fleets to lease. Leasing may provide:
Most makes and models with all available equipment or options. However, a good leasing company will offer advice as to the most practical vehicle(s) for your needs.
It depends on the kind of vehicle(s) you want and the equipment you desire. Also, it depends on the type and length of the lease and anticipated mileage. The only way to get a dollar and cents answer is to discuss your specific requirements with a reputable leasing representative and let him or her develop an actual rate for you.
Yes, there are usually mileage limitations on both open-and closed-end contracts. One of the factors that determines a lease rate is anticipated mileage. Should the predetermined limitation be exceeded, resale value will probably be less than estimated, and a mileage cost penalty would normally be included. Mileage limitations can be set to meet your requirements.
These costs are the lessee's responsibility and are arranged for and paid directly by the lessee.
Normally per month by invoice or automatic checking account deduction.
Yes - however, all lease contracts have "premature termination" provisions which determine any additional costs.
Under a typical open- or closed-ended lease contract, the company or individual lessee has the same responsibilities as a purchaser, including full responsibility for all non-warranty repairs and service on the vehicles it leases.
Units acquired by the day, week, or month are normally considered rental vehicles and intended as temporary replacement transportation. Units acquired for a longer period (usually 12 months or more) are normally considered leased vehicles.
Most leasing companies will help you dispose of currently owned vehicles.
The following are the most significant reasons: